Skeptical about the skeptics

Whenever I really want to be amused, I spend a few minutes reading the latest admonishments and retortments from the extreme skeptics of natural medicine. By “extreme skeptics,” I don’t mean actual critical thinkers who apply genuine open-minded curiosity to the world around them, I mean the pseudoscientific zealots who berate anyone who believes in acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, sunlight therapy, breath therapy, meditation or any number of other natural healing modalities. They think vitamins are useless, acupuncture isquackery, and that all medical treatment should be limited to drugs, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Read More…

Docs misdiagnose asthma 30 per cent of the time

Up to 30 per cent of Canadians diagnosed with asthma may not actually have the chronic, and sometimes deadly condition, according to the surprising findings of a study appearing Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Read More…

antibiotics disrupt gut for months

A new study reveals that a common antibiotic disrupts normal bacterial levels in the digestive tract of healthy adults for longer than previously thought. Six months later, in fact, some beneficial types of bacteria were still wiped out or remained at levels lower than before the drugs were taken. Read More…