Is Terry Polevoy the Information Source for Doctor’s Data?…

September 12th, 2010 – I read Court documents, including Original Complaints (the lawsuit itself) all of the time.  It occurred to me, when I first read the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case that the attorneys writing that case were very well informed about how the quackbusters operate.  I thought to myself “these people must have been reading my newsletters…” But, as I began to re-read the case several times, looking for stuff to write about, I decided that it was very likely they had a well-informed source of their own  – perhaps someone inside the quackbuster ranks.

As I thought about that I realized that because the upper echelon of the quackbuster operation tend to use their soldiers like Kleenex, there was a very long list of victims that might fit the bill.  As I thought about it I realized that it would have to be somebody who was relatively close to the top of the operation – at the same time disenchanted, for whatever reason, with the people at the top. Read More…