Is Terry Polevoy the Information Source for Doctor’s Data?…

September 12th, 2010 – I read Court documents, including Original Complaints (the lawsuit itself) all of the time.  It occurred to me, when I first read the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case that the attorneys writing that case were very well informed about how the quackbusters operate.  I thought to myself “these people must have been reading my newsletters…” But, as I began to re-read the case several times, looking for stuff to write about, I decided that it was very likely they had a well-informed source of their own  – perhaps someone inside the quackbuster ranks.

As I thought about that I realized that because the upper echelon of the quackbuster operation tend to use their soldiers like Kleenex, there was a very long list of victims that might fit the bill.  As I thought about it I realized that it would have to be somebody who was relatively close to the top of the operation – at the same time disenchanted, for whatever reason, with the people at the top. Read More…

Botts and Barrett – Fumble Bumble Stumble Jumble…

I check my Pacer Account every few days and yesterday found four new filings in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case.  After that I am even more convinced that the script writers for Saturday Night Live are designing Barrett’s Defense.

The four documents, all presented by Stephen Barrett‘s three attorneys (actually two-and-a-half – I will explain) tell a story that will somewhat amuse you.  It certainly amused me.

One of the documents, this one filed by Michael K. Botts, Esq. is a plea to the Court for Reconsideration, with explanations, to be allowed to represent Barrett at all.  It seems the Chicago Court rejected Botts. I will let you read this document shortly.

Another document brings in a second “local attorney” to represent Barrett – to try and save the day.

A third document is a Motion to Extend time to answer (no big surprise) filed by the newest “local attorney.”

And, the fourth document is a Notice of Hearing on Motion to extend time sent to Doctor’s Data legal firm.

Read full article….

Barrett Has Four Days Left – Then He Goes to Default…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

I just checked my “Pacer” (Federal Court information system) file,
and Barrett has not yet brought in a lawyer, and filed a response to
the Doctor’s Data lawsuit against him. Could it be this easy? Could
it be that rancid old Stephen Barrett, when push comes to shove, just
could not back up his public statements in a Court of law, and is just
going to let the collection agents pick him clean? Could it be that
Doctor’s Data will have unlimited access to Barrett’s years records
showing whom he plotted with?

(I’m really getting all excited thinking about this).

As I said in my last article:

In the Federal Court System a defendant is given 21 full days to
properly Respond to a lawsuit. Let’s assume, for the moment, that
since Stephen Barrett was sued by Doctor’s Data on June 18th, 2010,
that he was served with papers on the 19th, the next day. Counting 21
days from that moment brings us to Monday, July 12th, 2010 – the
deadline for Barrett to hire an attorney who can practice in Federal
Court in Chicago, Illinois, and prepare, and submit a Response to the
Court. That’s eight days from now – and Barrett does not even have an
attorney yet.

Well, he only has about four more days… And, as I indicated:

What happens if Barrett does not Respond?

If Barrett does not Respond then Doctor’s Data simply files for what
is called a “Default Judgment,” asking the Court to award everything
they asked for – the Five Million in Damages, the Fifteen Million in
Punitive Damages, and a permanent Injunction barring Barrett from
talking about Doctor’s Data, etc.

The Judge’s answer is almost automatic..

Once the Judge issues the Default Judgment and the Permanent
Injunction Doctor’s Data, through their attorneys, will go into the
“Judgment Collection” phase, using an attorney firm that specializes
in draining blood out of reluctant Defendants. Barrett will meet a
lot of people who have tattoos on their faces in the process of
collecting Stevie’s furniture, his car, his Mont Blanc pen, and the
gold fillings from his teeth.

So, why hasn’t Barrett “lawyered up” and answered?

Let’s think about that. There are probably three main reasons:

To read the entire article click on


Tim Bolen

Doctor’s Data Laboratory Files Federal Lawsuit Against Barrett

Doctor’s Data Laboratory Files Federal Lawsuit Against Barrett,
Quackwatch, NCAHF, Consumer Health Digest…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Stephen Barrett, who has no income of his own, he claims, had to go
to his wife Judith the other day, I think, and say “Honey, I need an
increase in my allowance this month. I’m getting sued in Fed Court in
Chicago now, and I’m going to need $250,000 this month as a retainer,
and another $100,000 per month to pay for my Defense, for the next
year, or so.”

On Friday June 18th, 2010 Doctor’s Data Laboratory filed an eleven
count lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois against Stephen J. Barrett, MD, the National
Council Against Health Fraud Inc (NCAHF), Consumer Health Digest, and
Quackwatch, Inc.

To read the entire article click on

Quackbusters Sue Each Other – All is Not Well in Scumville .

October 15th, 2009 – On November 3rd, of the year 2000, quackbusters Stephen Barrett, Terry Polevoy, and Christopher Grell sued me, Tim Bolen, along with a whole host of people, claiming that world famous author and health humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark PhD had hired me, Tim Bolen, to defame them – and that several others had conspired with Clark and myself to accomplish that.  After 8 and 1/2 years of no action to prove the case the judge threw it out, Dismissing it out of hand. You can read the entire article, the one that went around the world like wildfire, detailing Barrett, Polevoy, and Grell’s huge humiliation, by clicking here..

Read Full Article